We accept returns under the following conditions:
Certain items cannot be returned, including:
To initiate a return, please follow these steps:
Once your return request is approved, we will provide instructions on how to return the item, including the return address and shipping details.
Ensure the product is securely packaged in its original packaging to avoid damage during transit.
Customers are responsible for return shipping costs unless the product is defective, damaged, or incorrect.
We only replace defective or damaged items.
Partial refunds may be granted if the product is not returned in its original condition.
We offer exchanges for defective or incorrect items. If you would like to exchange an item, follow the return process and specify your preference for an exchange.
Replacement items will be shipped once the returned product is received and inspected.
Orders can be canceled before shipment for a full refund.
If the order has already been shipped, please refer to the return process above.